Welcome to your Happiness Quiz?
The pursuit of happiness – or more specifically ‘pleasure’ – is a very deep routed desire in all of us, even if we don’t consciously acknowledge that’s what driving our behaviour. If you really stop and think about it, how many of your thoughts and actions are connected to being happy? Unfortunately, this is really where the flaw in your thinking can derail you. It’s tempting to regard happiness as a goal in itself, when in fact it’s not so much a state of being, but rather a question of attitude and mindset, as well as circumstance. After all, your life is never just one thing is it? It’s made up of a range of component parts, each of which you’ve likely imbued with a very specific set of expectations. Understanding what constitutes happiness lies in the insights we have about human motivation and behaviour. The questions in this quiz are designed to get you reflecting on some of things that contribute to our feelings of happiness.
Review the statements below. Choose the response most aligned to you. Read carefully, but you’re advised not to spend too long on an individual question; there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers or trick questions. On the whole the first answer that comes to you is likely the correct one for you. Once you have rated all the statements, select “submit” below and your score will be emailed to you.
Please note that no quiz is a definitive picture of your state of mind or level of happiness; it is merely a guide, a tool that uses questions that are designed to encourage you to self reflect and help provide clarity on areas of your life and thought processes that it may be helpful to focus on and work on. You may decide that you can best achieve change by consulting with a professional.
NB: Your entry is private. Under no circumstances will your personal information entered here be shared or sold.
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How would you describe your mood when you wake in the morning?
Do you enjoy work and feel you have a strong sense of purpose?
Do you decide how you feel about things?
Do you appreciate your life day to day?
Would you say you hold grudges and find it difficult to let past hurts and disappointments go?
Would you say you know how to enjoy life and have fun?
Do you actively look after yourself, your health and your well-being?
Do you believe you have a well-developed self-knowledge and insight?
Do you believe your personal happiness isn’t dependent on just circumstance?
Do you share your feelings with friends or relatives?
Do you ever try and help or support other people?
Do you like to keep busy and always be working towards something?
Do you tend to feel positive rather than negative about things in the past?
Do you feel optimistic about the future?
Do you like yourself?