Emma B. Dearborn (1875 – 1937) worked as a shorthand instructor and trainer of shorthand teachers at Simmons College, Columbia University and was expert in several pen stenography systems as well as stenotype. Having seen students struggle to master the complexities of symbol-based shorthand systems and stenotype theory, she decided to design a system that would be easier to learn. She eventually named this new system Speedwriting.
Instead of using a complex array of symbols as is the case with shorthand, Speedwriting relies on the use of letters of the alphabet and symbols to represent the sounds of English, so is a far more familiar starting point that people recognise and understand. What can take weeks to learn in shorthand, can be grasped in a fraction of the time using Speedwriting techniques.The workshop will provide a thorough grounding in rules governing the technique of speedwriting in order that you can master the skill set needed during the training, to a point where you can confidently continue to develop and improve your proficiency post course.
Throughout the session, participants are given the opportunity to practice and explore taking notes at speed (and read them back).
This workshop is highly interactive. Participants will be asked to take dictation throughout the day, consolidating each new stage and adding to it as the day progresses. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to understand and execute the speedwriting principles and successfully read back your notes.
Duration – 1 day
Course Content
- What is speedwriting?
- The skills required
- Planning and preparation
- The six principles of speedwriting
- Prefixes & suffixes
- Putting it together